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  • Governance


    You can find full information about our Trustees by clicking on this link.


    As the name suggests, an ASEC works with the leadership of the school to monitor the standards and ethos in the school, as well as safeguarding and health and safety. The Chair of each ASEC will support the development of individual ASEC members and the clerk and, in turn, will work with the clerk to carry out a 360-degree review of their own performance. Each ASEC should carry out an annual assessment of its performance in line with the self-evaluation questions found at the bottom of this page.

    Please find in the Scheme of Delegation below, details of how the Trust Board is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Director.  The information provided includes a Register of Interests.  Details of Academy Standards and Ethos Committees can be found on individual academy websites and the 'Get Information About Schools' website. 

    The Trust Board's register of interest is below.  The register of interests for each ASEC is held by each school and should be published on their website.

    The Board of Trustees for the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust has five scheduled meetings per year, including one strategy day.  

    The Board has also appointed committees which meet three times per year: the Audit and Risk Committee, the Stewardship Committee, and the Trust Standards and Ethos Committee.

    Minutes are held by the Business Support Administrator in the DSAT Services office.

    Governance Application Form

    See below for a copy of our application form if you are interested in playing a part in our governance.

    ASEC Governors

    Also, below you will find a role description for an ASEC Governor and Chair.

    You can find useful governance guidance on the website of the Confederation of School Trusts.


    We are currently recruiting for new Trustees.  Please visit our Trustee Recruitment page here for more information.