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  • Join

    As a growing trust, we continue to be interested in growing our family of schools in a measured and systematic way over the next few years.  

    If you are interested in joining us, we would be happy to talk about your options and to share how we believe we could make a positive difference to your whole school community and how you could enhance our Trust.  

    We are not about developing uniformity in our academies, rather we celebrate individuality, creativity and the development of children and staff who are able to thrive in their learning communities.

    If you would like us to come and visit, or you would like to come and visit us, we can share much more. You are also welcome to visit any of our schools.

    We recommend that you take a good look around this website as you will find out a lot about the services we offer.  These services are constantly growing, increasing and developing as we build the Trust.

    There is no substitute for a conversation, so whether you would like to exchange an email, talk on the telephone, arrange an online presentation/conversation or arrange a visit to your school, please click below to email, or give us a call on 01722 548519, and we will be only too pleased to help.