Access to advice, guidance and support via e-mail and telephone from our dedicated finance team
Support and guidance visits as appropriate
Statutory ESFA returns completed on your behalf which include:
External audit co-ordination, agreement of audit plan and production of Financial Statements and Annual Report
Internal audit – management of service and costs
VAT returns, completion and liaison with HMRC
Bank co-ordination and set up which include:
Administration of Finance System and Budgeting systems
Administration and co-ordination of Payroll service
MIS co-ordination of transfer of licence on conversion to academy status
Production of Trust-wide finance regulations and procedures which reflect requirements included in the Academies Handbook circulated annually by the ESFA
Design and responsibility for the financial scheme of delegation
ESFA funding co-ordination and processing
Co-ordination and regular processing of supplier payments via our purchase ledger
Co-ordination and completion of annual School Condition Allocation (SCA) funding to enable major infrastructure improvements
Financial reports, includes annual performance review and regular financial overview report
Budget setting guidance and support
Corporate risk register
Oversight of insurance (including staff absence) guidance and co-ordination
Central register of leases and contracts
Capital asset register
Termly finance staff meetings to provide opportunities for training and networking
Day-to-day monitoring of school budgets and input of documents such as purchase orders, invoices, cash receipts etc.
Initial drafting of the annual budget (support is available to assist with this)
Annual licence charges for finance, budgeting, MIS software and monthly payroll service costs
Schools may contribute to the cost of major capital works where funds allow
The costs of Hub Business Manager time which are shared across a Hub
The Finance Team can advise as appropriate on any bids for additional funding to bodies such as charitable trust funds and procurement exercises.