Full access to our Safeguarding Advisors
Initial Safeguarding audit from highly experienced Education Safeguarding Advisors
A 3-year audit programme with annual support visits in between
Full access to our Browne Jacobson legal service
The support of the Trust Designated Safeguarding Lead
An annual training programme, including L3 refresher, safer recruitment, PREVENT, and inspection readiness
Supervision opportunities for DSL/DDSL
Termly newsletters keeping schools informed of new developments and key issues nationally
Advice and guidance on single central registers, providing updates where necessary
Single point of contact for advice and guidance where necessary with support from Education Safeguarding Advisor
Support in dealing with allegations against staff
Access to centrally organised events such as Headteacher briefings, governor training etc.
Access to model policies, procedures and guidance
Guidance on accessing mandatory training for both staff and governors
Access to online awareness training for governors
Initial L3 training, although we can organise this where there is sufficient need
Annual safeguarding audit which needs to be completed for the local authority
We do not substitute or replace multi-agency services, such as the LADO but we can provide links and support where required
The cost of the annual licence for safeguarding software