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  • Marden Vale


    Hope, Aspiration and Courageous Advocacy

    How we live out this in our school – a celebration of excellence

    Our strapline is “With God, all things are possible” Matthew 19:26.  This underpins our whole school vision.  Our underlying Bible reference is the story of Zaccheus, the tax collector who with God, found all things were indeed possible.  This links with our school values of Trust, Thankfulness, Perseverance, Respect, Compassion and Courage.

    We worked hard to develop our vision vessel making sure that parents and Governors as well as staff and children could choose the best of our designs.

    We are a family, and the Marden Vale family is important to each and every one of us.

    How we achieved this

    Every fortnight we share our value of the term through our newsletter and at the beginning of term we share a Biblical story related to the value.  This emphasises our Church School values, which are not necessarily the reason Marden Vale is chosen by parents.

    Children know our values and can articulate these.  At the end of each term children demonstrate their learning and understanding through the use of ‘windows, mirrors, doors’ reflection booklets.

    We are very fortunate to be part of a project with The Bridge Trust which enables us to have a weekly visit from our school Chaplain.  Rob, our Chaplain works with children and families, living out our Christian values.

    The difference that it makes

    The difference Rob makes to our school is profound.  He supports our children in their understanding of faith and how you can live a life of faith in our community.  Rob is touching the lives of many, both within school and beyond the school gates.  His singing worships each week are uplifting and empowering for us all.

    Paris (year 4) “Rob makes me feel happy and joyful.  He makes me want to sing”

    Ely (year 6) “He gives you something to live up to”

    Christina (year 6)  “Rob is very inspirational”

    Tristan (year R) “I like it when he does the actions”

    Scarlett (year 2) “I love it when he teaches us music"