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  • The Trinity


    The Impact of Collective Worship

    How we live out this in our school – a celebration of excellence

    At The Trinity our school vision – 'With faith we live, learn and grow together', is at the core our Collective Worship planning. Our 6 values (perseverance, courage, compassion, respect, reconciliation and justice) have been developed from our vision and these together form the basis of our Collective Worships. Worship Leaders are a popular role at the Trinity with many children putting themselves forward to plan and lead worships each term. Pupils liken this to being their own 'Open the Book' team. Prayer is a natural part of the school’s culture with all children able to add to spontaneous prayers in Collective Worship and across the day. Pupils can talk confidently about the teachings of Jesus and the messages from Collective Worship. These messages are explored and referred to regularly.

    How we achieved this

    Our school vision and values have been chosen in consultation with the whole school community. These have been reviewed and adapted regularly to ensure that they are at the heart of all our decisions and relevant for our pupils. The role of Worship Leader has grown and developed over time. Younger children have observed their older peers plan and lead Collective Worship and as result when they are given the opportunity to do this, they are keen to become a Worship Leader.

    The difference that it makes

    Pupils can explain and describe the impact that Collective Worship has on them and this has been evidenced through pupil voice over time. This was also evident during restrictions for Covid-19 where children missed that opportunity to come together as a school family. Pupils thrive on seeing and interacting with each other as part of the whole school. Children see Collective Worship as integral part of the school day. Children planning and leading worship has meant that they have taken ownership of this. This encourages other children helping Collective Worship to be inclusive and inspiring.