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  • Whitesheet


    The Effectiveness of Religious Education

    How we live out this in our school – a celebration of excellence

    Whitesheet has reviewed its RE curriculum to ensure that provision across the school was balanced and at least good.  Our curriculum strives to build on the school’s vision of ‘Growing to new heights together’ and encourages staff and children to develop knowledge, understanding and empathy with all people through the learning of disciplinary concepts within each religion.  RE teaching is now given a higher profile in each class and while there is still potential for growth, children are experiencing a greater breadth to their curriculum, are enjoying their RE learning and are able to express their knowledge more confidently and with enthusiasm.  This enables children to thinking more deeply about religious beliefs and practices, begin to reflect upon their own spirituality and beliefs, and continue to climb to greater heights and flourish both together and individually. 

    How we achieved this

    Whitesheet is enjoying the journey of developing an effective RE curriculum for all of our children.  We have reviewed the provision in place and staff professional development has been implemented to increase knowledge and confidence in planning and delivering quality RE lessons through the use of Understanding Christianity and The Emmanuel Project.  RE is timetabled weekly and a balance of Christianity and other world faiths are planned in a rolling programme to ensure coverage for all year groups in mixed aged classes.

    The difference that it makes

    Our curriculum enables children to know about and understand Christianity as a living faith that influences the lives of people worldwide and as a religion that has significantly shaped British culture and heritage.  It also enables children to know and understand about other major world religions and world views, their impact on society, culture and the wider world, encouraging children to express ideas and insights, and will contribute to the development of their own spiritual and philosophical convictions, exploring and enriching their own beliefs and values. 

    In response to the Bible reference informing the school vision statement (Isaiah 40:31):

    “Some day you will become the person you wanted to be and if you don’t you won’t regret it because you would have tried your hardest and will be proud to be yourself.”  Year 6 pupil.

    “This quote means that you need hope and resilience to reach your highest achievements that you want in your life.  You also need courage and perseverance to achieve the goal you have set so you will need to get out of your comfort zone.”  Year 6 pupil.

    “It means you can achieve what you want to achieve and you can overcome whatever life throws at you… you can achieve anything!”  Year 4 pupil.