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  • Financial

    All employees of the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust can save or borrow through payroll with Churches’ Mutual, a credit union owned and run by the people who use its services.  The Trust is not responsible for any products you may access through this service - anyone opening an account or taking a loan enters into agreement directly with CMCU and is responsible for checking all terms and conditions themselves.

    CMCU offer ethical loans at affordable rates.

    Open an account with payments deducted at source from your salary for a simple and painless way to build up a rainy day fund or access lowest rate loans.



    Wesleyan Financial Services have provided advice and support to a number of our staff.  They are not the only provider available and we are not able to endorse them officially but we are happy to work with them and to identify this means of support for our staff.

    The Wesleyan are specialists when it comes to providing financial advice to Teachers and have strong links with the NASUWT. They are able to advise on all aspects of financial planning.

    As well as specialising in financial planning for Teachers, the Wesleyan are a mutual organisation which is an integral part of who they are, with no shareholders their focus is on their members and customers.

    To arrange an appointment and a no cost, no obligation review at a time that suits you, go to and click on 'Book an appointment'.  You can also view the full range of services that Wesleyan offer.