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  • Quality

    Christian service is at the heart of all we do, as we support our academies to help young people to develop excitement in learning and to live life to the full.  We value everyone equally and demonstrate this through our words, actions, community life and the quality of the service we provide.

    This is what you can expect from DSAT Services

    A courteous and professional service at all times, that places the needs of your school and your children at its heart.

    A service that supports all schools and children, regardless of size, geography or potential disadvantage.

    An open and transparent service that clearly details what is provided, through our website.

    A direct line to those officers with whom you need to speak.

    A response to telephone messages and emails by the end of the next working day.

    Where a next working day response is not possible, out of office response messages will clearly indicate when you can expect a response, or who to contact if you need a more urgent response.

    Where your query will take more than the next working day to resolve, you will receive a clear indication as to how this is being dealt with and the likely timeframes involved.

    Where your query requires the support of more than one officer, we will always identify a lead officer to be your main point of contact.

    We endeavour to avoid unnecessary communications – we will aim to be clear and concise in the responses we provide.

    If you visit our office, you will be assured of an inviting environment and a warm welcome.

    A service that will seek your views about how it can improve further – we can always get better.

    Discretion and appropriate levels of confidentiality when dealing with sensitive issues and transferring information.

    An in-depth knowledge of trust-wide policies that will support you in different circumstances.

    Where an additional charge is required, we will always ensure that this is by agreement.

    Where your request does not fall within the limits of our service, we will always look to signpost you in the direction of other partner providers.

    Staff who are keen to go ‘beyond expectations’ to provide you and your schools with the very best service you deserve.


    In return

    Please treat our colleagues with courtesy and respect, as you expect from us.

    Please endeavour to respond to us in line with the timeframes identified above, such that we can provide you with the very best service at all times.

    Please understand that we need to prioritise the work we undertake, and it will not always be possible to respond to, or resolve your issue immediately.

    If you are dis-satisfied with the service you are receiving at any time, please contact the appropriate senior leader, or the CEO directly by email, through our Business Support Administrator – your concerns will be dealt with promptly.